Monday 15 June 2015

Healthcare Application Testing – Benefits and Trends

Quality is never an accident; it is always a direct result of intelligent effort.

The very premise of testing is based on this axiom and nowhere is it more relevant than in healthcare. A glitch or a bug in a healthcare application could prove very costly and may result in mammoth problems that could be life altering/ threatening (depending on the nature of the software in question). This is the reason why healthcare applications need to undergo thorough testing before being employed in hospitals and clinics.

Why is healthcare application testing imperative?

·         Reliability and Safety of Patients
This is the most important consideration during healthcare application testing given its critical applications and uses. Identifying bugs, that threatens the reliability aspects and result in inaccurate or compromised data, is crucial to ensure that the right care is accorded to the patients.

·         Compliance Testing
Most of the healthcare applications need to be compliant with HIPPA and other regulatory requirements from the US government. Testing new or existing applications to ensure compliance reduces error margins and makes the application industry standard.

·         Ensuring Usability and End User Satisfaction
Testing the applications for the user experience they offer is extremely important. Applications that are not user friendly can lead to irritability and may result in the end users (whether they are healthcare professionals or patients) spending more time on working with the application. Also, healthcare applications need to conform to the existing workflows so that professionals can work with them seamlessly (without having to spend much time on working around it) and also be able to trust it completely.

Benefits of healthcare application testing

The following are the most important benefits of healthcare application testing:

·         Ensures the conformance of the application/software to the framework and security requirements of the healthcare industry
·         Quality improvement and assurance
·         Testing not only involves functionality, it also involves performance testing that ensures that the application is indeed beneficial to the professionals and saves time
·         Ensures usability, safety and seamless integration

When a healthcare product is tested end to end, it bolsters the confidence in the product and users can trust the solution implicitly and work with the application.

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